Thursday, January 27, 2011

If You Are My Friend Then You Will Watch This Film

It's a documentary on the paradigm shift that we need to save the world:

Block out three hours of your time to watch this.

It talks about peak oil toward the end. Very interesting stuff.

After you watch it leave a comment.

Monday, January 24, 2011

From his latest column

"Either we begin to militantly stand against the coal, oil and natural gas industry or we do not. Either we defy pre-emptive war and occupation or we do not. Either we demand that the criminal class on Wall Street be held accountable for the theft of billions of dollars from small shareholders whose savings for retirement or college were wiped out or we do not. Either we defend basic civil liberties, including habeas corpus and the prosecution of torturers or we do not. Either we turn on liberal institutions, including the Democratic Party, which collaborate with these corporations or we do not. Either we accept that the age of political compromise is dead, that the corporate systems of power are instruments of death that can be fought only by physical acts of resistance or we do not. If the liberal class remains gullible and weak, if it continues to speak to itself and others in meaningless platitudes, it will remain as responsible for our enslavement as those it pompously denounces. " - Chris Hedges

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Listen Close: It's Over

Game Over.

For decades we have been ignoring Peak Oil. Within our lifetime there will be no more left. It is not science fiction. This is not an opinion. This is going to happen. The aftermath is, more or less, anybody's guess. An apparent conclusion, though, is that modern industry is going to be over. The world will probably become decentralized and we will return to local communities. Really though: think of all the technology behind the 20th century and imagine that it never happen. Oil is the basis for most of it. Without it, what will happen to us?

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Prophet, Ignored

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Despite some very recent happiness in my personal life, I am finding it more and more difficult to replicate that same emotion in regards to the outside world. The reason: Peak Oil. The possibility of running out of the substance that the entirety of modern civilization relies upon has been creeping around my brain for the past couple of months. My then girlfriend, now my fiancee, and I watched a documentary called "Collapse." The whole movie was, more or less, footage of this guy talking about the End of Oil and what the implications would be for the rest of us. It was haunting.