Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Last Post

This is the last post.

I realize most of the time that I just re-post Chris Hedges columns or incoherently bitch about the coming collapse, either of this country or this planet. So I am going to quit writing in this.

It is not that I stopped caring, it is that there seem to be no clear answers. It is not that I am resigning myself to determinism, it is that the world needs less blogs and more protests. And it is not that I am undermining the importance of political self expression, it is that I want to lead a more ethical and more passionate life. Spending time in front of a screen does not seem like the best idea.

 Besides, one of the points of starting this blog was to give myself a release valve so I could give my beautiful fiancee less migraines. I haven't found myself talking about politics lately, probably because I have come to the conclusion that the political process is beyond salvation. I have been thinking a lot about Martin Luther King Jr. - how once Civil Rights was achieved he realized that political rights without economic justice is impotent. He died campaigning for economic equality. We should follow this above all else.

Capitalism is destroying itself. The future of our species depends upon a reaction to this fact and one of the great questions of my life relies upon my response to the coming disaster. Philosophy majors should recognize this - the search for the Good Life. I thought that maybe as I got older these things would sort themselves out, but it seems that those anxieties have only become more entrenched and pertinent. So let us ask ourselves how we can react to the end of oil, to the totalitarianism of the corporate state and to the twilight of social democracy.

I'm looking forward to the adventure.

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